We are home and resting

Well, it has been a good if not stressful day.

Last night I told Harley what was going to happen today, and honestly he left me and went away with the pet nurse with a wag and not a look back. So, I apparently did something right!

I talked to the vet before and after surgery and she felt he did really well.  She is sending the entire bone from the leg in for analysis to determine what type of cancer we are looking at. After that we will try and figure out where to go from here.

Good news, and apparently something we won’t have to worry about is the bathroom routine, everything is flowing fine at this point. We will see what the next few days bring!

I did ask the vet if we got a 25% discount on the pedicure since they only did 3 legs, she laughed and replied that they did all four before the surgery….

I am pretty sure I mentioned he is an overachiever…he doesn’t want help from us to go out, but I force him to, but once he is out, he is hopping along until he finds the right spot.  He is OKAY with help back in, but really do I need the stink eye?

Lucky our second boy and Sunny the brat child have checked him out, determined that he is still Harley, but tired and have gone on their way…I am sure Sunny will try and get him into a tug of war tomorrow…

The wonderful and caring thoughts of everyone is very overwhelming and we can’t say how much it means. We look forward to sharing our thoughts, worries and hopes….and look forward to telling the world what an incredible resource we have found!

Thank you!!!

Ilene, Jim, Harley, Lucky, and Sunny



Author: 3dogmom

Honestly, I am the leader of the pack...I am married to my hubby Jim since 95 and Harley is our oldest "son" at 12. Our pack also includes Lucky and Sunny!

3 thoughts on “We are home and resting”

  1. YAY! Just responded to your thread and then found you here! I know how very worried you are as you face recovery and very relieved because surgery is over and Harley is home! And peeing andooping? YAY for peeing and pooping!

    Sounds like Mr. Harley may be the type of guy who tends to overdo it a first but I know you will be monitoring that!
    Glad all his pals realize it’s still Harley you brought home and are going about life as normal..

    So excited to hear all about Harley’s success and the many ways his joy continues to come back.

    We are all here for you and the group as a whole is pretty well versed on any challenge or question you may have.

    Enjoy each victory! Love and spoil!

    My not get much sleep the next few days so catch some “dog naps” when you can!

    Sending you lots of support, Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Hey guys, Harley’s recovery is nothing short of super duper impressive! It’s great to hear how well things are going. Now remember there might be a phase in the next day or two when he “crashes” and slows down, but keep in mind we’ve seen that a lot here, it’s pretty normal. Call your vet if that happens and of course come here to lean on, we’re here to help.

    Hey Harley you know what’s really great about missing 1 leg? That means you have one less muddy paw to get cleaned off this rainy season! Woohoo!

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