3 Months Post-Amp!!!

Yep, like many of the folks here…we are 3 days late in celebrating Harley!!  He had is amp back on April 12th, and Friday was his 3-month celebration…we did remember to do a little dance, whoop it up and then give him lots of loves and extra cookies.

This was absolutely the right decision for our family and I cannot thank enough the folks on the tripawds website and the incredible book “Three legs and a Spare” for the knowledge and confidence to make this decision. 

Needless to say, we spent time on Saturday & Sunday at the dog park, where he didn’t want to leave due to all the new friends we needed to see. 

Every day is such a blessing! Jim & I can’t imagine being without Harley…and we value each day as a gift! His joy when each of us gets home at the end of our work days always is something to look forward to.  And last night as we were going to bed…how jumps up…silly boy…can’t keep a good dog down!

Hugs to everyone and thank you again for all the kind words and support! Sorry I have been off the chat seen…trying to balance getting some stuff done around the house and the computer.  Some days the computer wins, some days the house….

Ilene, Jim, & Harley

Author: 3dogmom

Honestly, I am the leader of the pack...I am married to my hubby Jim since 95 and Harley is our oldest "son" at 12. Our pack also includes Lucky and Sunny!

2 thoughts on “3 Months Post-Amp!!!”

  1. Yay Harley. We have missed your momma in the chat. But its great to hear that you are doing so well. Its hard to believe 3 months have already gone by.

    keep going Harley

    Michelle & Sassy

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